Here I am © Photo by R.Scherpenzeel

Here I ❤️m

authentic, Light Being, Naked Truth, Obaia, Source, The Light

Reborn by Light

On October 18, 2023, I received the wonderful news that I had been chosen to join Roy Martina’s Reborn Retreat in Portugal around the full moon of November 27, 2023. It was not just an invitation to me, as Roy consulted his “light helpers of the Universe” to work through the amount of applications submitted. I felt tremendously honored to have been chosen, especially since my plan, my “Calling of the White Horses” was apparently in good graces with the Universe 😉

I felt so inspired that I went back to work with Reinder for our joint art platform Art of a Lovecouple. I wanted a picture that expressed that it is about developing your consciousness, that you know how to bring yourself from the dust to the light of 3D to 5D, so to speak. From the subconscious, growing into the superconscious. Underwater represents the subconscious, so taking pictures in water. With image: from out of focus, blurred to sharp.
